Legal Representation Of The Highest Quality

Senator Lisa Murkowski Meets with AK Child and Family to Discuss Benefits of Telehealth Service

On Behalf of | Jun 20, 2017 | Firm News

Written By:  Elisabeth Ross

On Thursday, June 15, 2017, Senator Lisa Murkowski met with BHBC client Denis McCarville, Chief Executive Officer of AK Child and Family, and BHBC attorney Elisabeth Ross in Senator Murkowski’s Washington DC office.  The Senator has been a long-time supporter of AK Child’s mission and programs, which are designed to aid children and their families who have suffered challenging trauma.

AK Child has partnered with Alaska Communications to use telehealth technology creatively to reach youth in rural Alaska villages – to provide counseling before issues reach a crisis level where the child has to leave his/her home and community for residential treatment in Anchorage.  AK Child uses Alaska Communications’ telecommunications services as a means to  train foster parents and provide counseling for  families and youth remotely.   In this way, AK Child can reach more families and enable better outcomes for these children.  This is just one example of the many rural health care providers Alaska Communications supports, using, in part, the resources of the FCC’s universal service program.

Denis McCarville, President and CEO of AK Child & Family and the Alaska Association of Homes for Children, visited Washington, D.C. this past week and stopped by my office. These organizations provide both residential and community-based treatment for youth behavioral and emotional diagnoses, as well as multiple community-based treatment services focused on the needs of the youth. McCarville’s work is something all Alaskans should be proud of, and I am glad that he had the time to discuss issues important to improving the lives of Alaska’s youth. I am thankful for the work these organizations do and I would like to express my continued support for families and youth with behavioral health needs.

