An Anchorage jury recently returned a defense verdict for Birch Horton client the Alaska Department of Corrections following a five week personal injury trial. The plaintiff suffered from a severe medical condition, including an anoxic brain injury, which required...
Firm News
How can my business fight sexual harassment allegations?
Sexual harassment allegations can seriously impact any business, regardless of the veracity of those allegations. This is why it is essential to understand how to address these allegations effectively and implement preventative measures. Understanding sexual...
How does a bankruptcy affect my shareholders?
Filing for a Chapter 11 bankruptcy might be your best option to save your Anchorage, Alaska, based company. Chapter 11 bankruptcy allows you to restructure your debt while keeping your company running. Although you may need to sell some assets, Chapter 11 bankruptcy...
Bankruptcy doesn’t absolve you from paying employees
While a daunting prospect, bankruptcy can be an opportunity for you to restructure your finances and keep your business or start afresh. However, amidst financial struggles, it is crucial not to overlook the valuable individuals who’ve stood by your side: your...
BHBC’s Offers 8(a) Contractors Practice Tips on Sole Source Contracting at the 2023 National Small Business Conference
Birch Horton Bittner & Cherot (BHBC) is a proud sponsor of the National 8(a) Association’s [1] 2023 National Small Business Conference. This year, BHBC’s Jon DeVore [3] were featured as speakers. This was the biggest attendance ever at this annual conference, so...
Jon DeVore Participates in the Native Hawaiian Organization Association Business Summit
Written by Jon M. DeVore In April 2022, Jon DeVore participated in the Native Hawaiian Organization Association Business Summit. The event brought over 200 Native Hawaiian Organizations, small businesses, government representatives and large businesses together to...
Christmas Party Liability Guidelines in a COVID Year
By William A. Earnhart Many employers are cancelling holiday celebrations for the second year in a row, and many are having virtual celebrations online. For those having online celebrations, many potential liabilities are tempered. However, we remind you that wage...

New Regulations for Women Owned Small Businesses
By Jon M. DeVore The Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) program began in December of 2000. Public Law 106-554 established this program to help the federal government meet its goal of awarding at least 5% of all contracting dollars to women-owned small businesses. The...
Attention 8(a) Construction Contractors: SBA Suspends 8(a) Program’s Bona Fide Place of Business Rule for One Year
By: Jon M. DeVore Good news for 8(a) firms considering federal construction projects over the next year! The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) recently announced a moratorium on the requirement that participants in SBA’s 8(a) Business Development Program must...
Jon DeVore Participates as Panelist for the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, “My Business Journey Series”
In late March, Birch Horton Bittner & Cherot attorney Jon M. DeVore was asked to participate as a panelist for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs "My Business Journey" webinar. The MBJ Series shares the stories of successful Women Veterans in Business and...