When people get involved in accidents with semi-trucks, they often try to determine if the company was liable for the accident, not just the driver. This is very different than getting involved in an accident with someone in their personal car, when it is very clear...
You Can Fire Employees in a Protected Class
Employers are often warned about firing employees who are in a protected class. Race is a protected class, for instance, so employers need to be careful not to discriminate against minority employees. Age is another class, so employers need to understand how their...
Does HIPAA Apply to Your Small Business?
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) causes a lot of confusion among business owners and consumers alike. While largely associated with the health care industry, HIPAA’s privacy rules can also affect virtually any business of any size. If...
When Should You Start to Consider a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy?
Chapter 11 bankruptcy, a kind of business bankruptcy, is designed to help businesses restructure and reorganize their debts. During a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, you will usually stay in possession of your business and finances, being able to continue to operate so long as...
Three Types of Damages You Can Claim in a Personal Injury Case
Sustaining an injury as a result of another person’s acts of negligence can be a traumatic experience. There are multiple types of compensation you can consider pursuing. However, to ensure you are sufficiently compensated for your injuries, it is crucial that you...
Five Federal Acts That Every Employer Should Know
The idea of a lengthy, costly battle over workplace discrimination or harassment is enough to make every employer stay awake at night. Therefore, a beneficial approach is to proactively head these off at the pass. Being educated on federal laws that (in addition to...
Can Employers Fire a Worker Without Notice in Alaska?
Like many other states, Alaska is an "at-will" employment state. This means that either employee or employer can terminate the work agreement at any time. The responsibility of the employer is to make sure that the reason for the firing is not illegal. Alaska protects...
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy can Help as you Close your Business
A drop in consumer spending, difficulty finding staffing or even problems with your supply chain may have affected your once-profitable business. It may only take a few weeks for a company to go from generating revenue to deeply in the red and unable to pay their...
Is that Alleged Construction Defect Really a Defect?
Some construction defects are a bit easier to understand than others. A structural issue that makes the home unsafe could be the result of poor planning by the architect, for instance. Generally, though, customers who accuse your company of making an error are going...
The Cause of a Semi-truck Crash Can Play a Role in Your Claim
Truckers perform a valuable service to individuals and companies across the nation. Most of these truckers take pride in how many miles they’ve driven without being involved in a crash. Just the same, there are wrecks involving semi-trucks on a daily basis. The large...